WWW Wednesday: 18th October 2017

The WWW Wednesday meme is currently hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words and is a great way to do a weekly update on what you’ve been reading and what you have planned.

WWW Wednesday

To take part all you have to do is answer the following three questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6)I actually have two books on the go this week which is a big improvement compared to last week when I was in a serious slump and not reading anything new. The first of these is Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Maas. I bought this a few weeks ago but had been putting it off as I was disappointed by the last book in the Throne of Glass series.

It’s very early days (I’m about 120 pages in) but so far so good. This book follows Chaol and Nesryn so a lot of new characters and places which I’m just starting to get my head round. I am loving how much simpler the story is in this. The last couple of books in the series had a lot going on and were starting to feel a bit too big in scale for my tastes. This has a lot more focus, one main storyline, one setting so suits me a lot better.

Why Not Me?The second book I’m reading is Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling. I was pretty much just scouting around on Overdrive looking for something to read and came across this. I’ve been a fan of The Mindy Project for a while so have been curious about Kaling’s books. This is more a collection of essays on various different topics than one story which does make it pretty easy to dip in and out of. It’s also quite funny and light so it’s perfect when I have a little bit of time.

Recently FinishedThe Scandal

Due to last weeks slump and the fact I seem to have started a huge big book in Tower of Dawn, I only managed to finish one book this week but it was definitely a good one. I’d received The Scandal by Fredrik Backman from NetGalley months ago but kept putting it off because it was different from my usual reads. Turns out that was a big mistake as this book is brilliant.

It wasn’t the easiest to get into in the beginning as there’s no real main character but rather switches between multiple perspectives from page to page but it really is an incredible story of a community where nothing matters more than Ice Hockey. You can read my full review here.

Reading Next

My Side of the DiamondI’ve decided to try and slow my reading a bit as I still don’t feel like I’m totally out of the slump so if I manage to finish my current reads I’ll be doing well. I did receive My Side of the Diamond by Sally Gardner from Readers First at the weekend so if I do manage to finish ToD I think it’ll be next.

Have you read any of the books on my list this week? Any others you’d recommend? As always please feel free to leave comments and links below.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!

22 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: 18th October 2017

  1. I really like the idea of The Scandal, it isn’t a subject I know much about but it was a theme in a book I read recently ‘Divinity And The Python’ by Bonnie Randall and we’ve had a couple of holidays in Canada where you can’t miss their ice hockey enthusiasm. I shall add it to my TBR list, now off to read your full review.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Scandal really wasn’t what I was expecting. It was a little frustrating and the jumping narrators confused me a little but such great writing I would definitely recommend.

      Everyone does seem to love A Man Called Ove but there was something about the blurb that put me off, plus whenever everyone raves about a book I assume I’ll be the one person who hates it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I still haven’t read A Man Called Ove as like the Scandal it just didn’t sound like my kind of book. I did love the authors writing though so I’m definitely going to try and track down more of his books


  2. I’ve never seen The Mindy Project but i have been intrigued by Mindy Kaling’s books as a lot of people seem to enjoy them. You’ve got me intrigued by The Scandal now so I’ll have to go look that up.


    • I still feel like it’s maybe too long (although it’s still early days) but it’s a lot simpler which suits me. I was starting to feel like they were getting too epic and Aelin was far too serious. This is still dark but there has been much discussion of Chaol’s manhood which has been making me laugh (If not him) 😂


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